Urolift for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

May 24, 2017 0 Comments in Male health by

It is widely accepted that, as a man grows older, the frequency with which he feels like urinating increases not only during the day, but also at night. What causes of this increase in voiding frequency?

The answer is in the prostate and its size. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a “good” enlargement of the prostate gland, an organ that increases its size progressively over the years. It is said that benign prostatic hyperplasia is non-threatening because it is not caused by proliferation of cancerous cells..

Although it is not a serious condition, prostate growth can cause problems and discomforts that decrease quality of life, such as difficulty urinating, incontinence or increased frequency of urination.

One of the most recent treatments available to resolve these symptoms is non-invasive prostate surgery or Urolift system also called “Prostate staples”. In this link we expose the details of this technique but here, in our blog, we will clarify in which cases it should be considered as a viable option

Non-invasive Prostate Surgery Urolift: What is it?

This treatment unlocks the urethra (tube through which urine passes) by lifting or suspending the enlarged prostate tissue that obstructs this duct. It is not removed, but set aside.
The surgery might require from 2 up to 4staple implants, always a pair number, depending on the prostate size

Urolift Results

Immediate results are observed in cases of 2 implants. Here the obstruction disappears after the intervention and patients experiences almost instant sympthom relief.

In cases where 4 staples are inserted, patients tipically wait 2-3 weeks until the small edema is reabsorbed. (mejor? It is reabsorbed?) .

In all cases, postsurgery recovery is very comfortable. The patient may leave the hospital on the same day of the surgery or the morning after. In addition, he will not suffer from the typical side effects of traditional prostate surgeries.

There is a reccomendation to opt for this treatment in case of prostates of less than 60 grams. Optimal results are given in smaller prostates of 50 grams without middle lobe, according to Dr Fernández Arjona, member of our team and the main expert in Europe with greater number of Urolift surgeries.

Improvements are not as noticeable in case of prostates larger than 70 grams, although the patient will still experience an improved quality of life.

In cases where there is more prostatic tissue, more than 2 implants or staples will be needed in order to unlock the urethral duct. For this reason this prostate surgery treatment would lose some of its “minimally invasive” feature and symptom relief might take a while longer.

If the prostate’s size requieres to use 6 or more implants, there would be more bleeding in the area and the voiding syndrome could increase. In this case, if the patient agrees to assume possible side effects (like retrograde ejaculation) in exchange for a greater efficiency in the resolution of urinary problems, we usually propose an alternative such as the photo-vaporisation of the prostate with laser beam.

Ideal Patient Case Checklist for Urolift Prostate Surgery

-Prostate of less than 50 grams size, in order to achieve optimal results

-Men whose priority is to conserve ejaculation (especially men without children or who wish to have more offspring).

-Men who are not willing to take any risk of erection loss, as a possible side effect of prostate surgery.

-Patients with medical limitations to undergo open surgery (coronary insufficiency, delicate health condition, etc.).

-Those wishing to avoid the 5 to 8 days postoperative period after an open surgery, which requires medical hospitalization and a catheter for 1 or 2 weeks.

Important! From the age of 40 onwards, there is an enlargement of the prostate that men must monitor regularly with medical appointments, to keep it under control.

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