The mustache as a symbol of male health

Mar 20, 2019 0 Comments in Male health by

The longevity rate of women is higher than that of men in almost six years and a large part of the problem is the man’s sloppiness in taking charge of his health.

Educating on the importance of men taking care of themselves and going for periodic medical check-ups is the key to preventing or early detection of diseases such as prostate or testicular cancer. How to achieve it?

Surely you’ve heard about the Movember awareness campaign whose symbol is the mustache. The idea behind it is that men leave mustache or mustache, during the month of November, (hence the play on words: mustache in November = Movember), to draw attention to important issues for male health.

We do not want to repeat ourselves so you can read in posts from previous years (2015 and 2016) to inform you in detail about the origin of the Movember movement and what you can do to get involved with the cause, whether you are a man or a woman.

The role of women

The woman is vital in this campaign since they give example by going to periodic gynecological examinations and in many cases they are the ones that pull the ears of men. If you are a woman and a man in your environment comes to mind who should be doing more for your health, (partner, brother, father or friend), share this information with him so that he is encouraged to do something about it, you could be doing her a big favor!

We provide this PDF distributed by the Movember Foundation with suggestions for men to put the batteries in this care and become aware of the importance of following a healthy lifestyle: Men’s Health Poster. Our contribution as a medical team This year we want to go straight to the point and tell you our contribution to improving male health in objective terms.

We put at your disposal our team to answer online queries received during this month on any topic of male health (prostate diseases, urinary function, revision of genital development, obesity or overweight, hormonal control, sexual dysfunction or care of the mental health).

Usually, the cost of online consultation with a member of the team is € 60 and this month we offer you a consultation at zero cost. How to access this service?

1. Write your question with all the details that facilitate the understanding of the case (background, symptoms, etc.)

2. Attach medical reports if it is a second opinion request

3. Write “Movember query” in the email SUBJECT

4. Send the email to

5. You will get a response in 24 hours ”

Health is the most precious and we want to help you restore it to achieve your best version.

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